Teknik Informatika

Teknik Informatika


Teknik Informatika
Politeknik Harapan Bersama Kota Tegal

"Berani Hidup Harus Berani Mati"

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Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

projek UAS b.ing (Widiastuti 1c 17090070)

My Favorite Family

Family to me everything, they are encouragement of life as well as motivation for me, without them I'm nothing. But now at home there is just me, mother, father and little brother. All my sisters work in Jakarta and some are married. I am the sixth of seven children, I have four brothers, one sister, and one brother. My sister who has only three families and who is still in school two that is me and my little brother. The house feels quiet without them, we can all gather together during the holiday. How I missed being with my brothers. 

My father worked in the fields from early morning even late even late into the night. But before leaving for the paddy fields usually father help mother cook for selling breakfast. While the mother in the morning sells breakfast and I helped her wrap the rice and dad who fry the tempe. I also have an older sister who works in the office of one of the airports in Jakarta and some work in the sea. All my sisters are good to the point that I am in charge of college from my brothers.

Mother I think she's a tough woman, can make me unremitting spirit. mother is very good, when mother scolded me there must be a reason without immediately scolded. Mother is also friendly but very chatty until I and my brother and I can not say anything if the mother talk. My mother is short but very pretty. Mother is also body fat and long hair black and curly. 

Dad I think he's responsible. But dad is a little bit fierce towards her children probably because of age factor too. Behind the fierce nature of father but he is actually good, maybe because let his children not spoiled and do not depend on the parents. Father often joked so the person I think cool. Dad is also tall and with a thin mustache. The haired father was a bit white and slightly black-skinned.

I have a younger brother only one but that's how annoying people are. Each met must be fighting whether it's the slightest thing. But sometimes when my sister is sick I feel lonely at home because I can not fight or mock each other. My sister is very skinny maybe because of her ill effects. My sister also has curly hair like my mother and she is tall like my father.

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